Volkswagen AG
Imprint & Legal texts
Here, you can find information about Volkswagen AG as a responsible provider of the content and offers specifically listed on this website.
Customer Interaction Center (CIC)
The Customer Interaction Center (CIC) is responsible for the “Help with apps and digital services” area. You can contact the CIC if you have any questions regarding our digital services or apps.
If your vehicle supports Car2X technology, following activation, it is capable of exchanging important traffic information, e.g. regarding accidents or traffic jams, with other road users or infrastructure, as long as they also support Car2X technology.
Data collection for the development of automated driving
The research, development and safeguarding of automated driving functions require a significant data base from the widest possible variety of traffic scenarios based on real journeys. If your vehicle supports the function, the data upload can be directly activated or deactivated using the “Automated driving development” slider in the privacy settings.
Owner Manual
With the Owner Manual tool you can find the right owner manual for your car by entering your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
We Charge Feature App
With the We Charge Feature Website App, you can use free of charge web-based functions and services related to charging of electric vehicles. In particular, this includes searching for and finding public charging points and a route planning tool for selected vehicles that takes public charging points along the route into account.
myVolkswagen Business
With myVolkswagen Business, you can manage your vehicles by entering your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).