Image showing a fleet of VW Vans parked at a warehouse scene.

Whole life costs

See the whole picture

It’s worth paying a little extra upfront for proven quality – Volkswagen reliability keeps maintenance and fuel costs low – and residual values high. So in the long run, your fleet will save money and time.

What are whole life costs?

Discover the factors that save you money, over time.

This video takes you through calculating the whole life costs of any vehicle. You should consider fuel economy, servicing and maintenance costs, and whether the vehicle will hold its resale value. Choose reliability: a low purchase price can often be a false economy in the long term.

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Fuel economy and Residual value

Our advanced diesel engines, with turbocharged direct injection (TDI), are more efficient than ever. That means real savings on fuel for your fleet. 

When the time comes to upgrade your fleet, the residual value of your vehicles is key. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles have a higher resale value than average, giving you a better return when the time comes to renew your vehicles.

Woman using cockpit dashboard controls in ID. Buzz Cargo

Payload vs Range

As with petrol and diesel vehicles, the heavier your payload, the less distance you’ll be able to drive. And while electric LCVs like the new Volkswagen ID. Buzz Cargo Commerce still give an impressive range with payloads up to 607kg; you could maximise that range by optimising your driving style. 

The best short-term stepping-stone for many commercial fleets will likely be a blended approach between electric and ICE LCVs. Running petrol, diesel or plug-in hybrid vehicles for those bigger payloads or longer journeys, while moving towards EVs for shorter trips and lighter loads can be the ideal fleet mix. 

In preparation for electrifying your fleet, discover how you can educate your drivers on increasing their range by using our helpful EV driving tips.

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